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Mechanical and Biological Treatment Plant 

Situated within the ECOHIVE Complex, there is also the Mechanical and Biological Treatment Plant. With an investment of €50 million, part financed by the European Union under the Cohesion Fund, the Malta North Mechanical and Biological Treatment Plant was set up in February 2016.  

The Mechanical Treatment Plant (MTP) is used to segregate Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and has the capacity to receive and treat 66,000 tonnes per annum of residual household waste. This facility separates out ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals, isolates high-calorific fractions for refuse derived fuel (RDF), and screens out organic factions and rejects. The metals and the high-calorific fractions for refuse derived fuel (RDF) are prepared for export while the organic faction undergoes further treatment in the Anaerobic Digestion Plant (AD Plant) which has the capacity to process 39,000 tonnes per annum of the organic fraction. Through this waste treatment process, biogas is naturally produced. This is recovered and used to generate electricity.

Last updated on 16/09/2020

ECOHIVE Complex, Tul il-Kosta, Naxxar NXR9030